Evolution Of World Wide Web ?? - Ashutosh


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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Evolution Of World Wide Web ??

Hello Everyone, Myself Ashutosh  and today you learn About Evolution of WWW ???

The letter 'w'is probably the most used letter in the alphabet these days. This all stems from the emergence of the world wide web. Most people are familiar with the web and what it does but few could tell you about its history.

Even since the Internet Merged as an Emblem in our mind, the world wide web (WWW) has been exploding into all the aspects of our work, studies and leisure life. Within the employment market, jobs requiring knowledge of the web, Internet and e-Commerce have been most in demand from both employer and employee's perspectives. As an employer and employee coping with the ever changing IT work environment, you should have a fair understanding of the history, development,capabilities and the future of WWW.

Stand-Alone Computers

It all started with a single processor exclusively used by a single users. Many users are  "Shared" the computer by completing for time slots. The current user delivered program through peripherals.

Mainframe computing

 A single huge computer used by many users. Even user has committed terminals, but the actual processing is done on the mainframe computers .Complex operating system work needed for sharing resources.

 Personal computers

Relative cheap computers used exclusively but one user. The stand-alone model can describe today's home users. Programs are delivered on FDs, HDs or CDROMs.

Network computing

 increasing number of users have to share data. Program are divided into two parts :client and server

1. Client application that run on local machines allow users to manipulate centralised data.
2.Server applications that run on centralised machines co-ordinate sharing of the data Amongst many users.

Written with Heart 💙


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