Internet Glossary (III) - Ashutosh


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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Internet Glossary (III)

Hello, Everyone Myself ~ Ashutosh Rana . And today you read an article Internet Glossary (III).. Lets start..


1. Email
   ( Electronic mail)

                    Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer. E-mail can also be sent automatically to a large number of addresses.

2. Ethernet

 A very common method of networking computers in a LAN.

There is more than one type of Ethernet . By 2001 the standard type was "100-BaseT" which can handle up to about 100,000,000 bits-per-second and can be used with almost any kind of computers.


An intranet that is accessible to computers that are not physically part of companys' own private networks but that is not accessible to the general public,for example to allow vendors  and business partners to access a company web site.

        z often an intranet will make use of a Virtual Private Network( VPN).


1. FAQ

(Frequently Asked Questions)

        FAQ's are documents that list and answer the most common questions on a particular subject. There are hundreds of FAQs on subjects as diverse as Pet Grooming and cryptography . FAQs are usually written by people who have tried of answering the same questions over and over.

2. Finger

An internet software tools for locating people on other Internet sites. Finger is also sonetimes used to give access to non-personal information, but the most common use is to see if a person has an account at a particular Internet sites. Many sites do not allow incoming Finger requests, but many do.


Originally, "flame" meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate. Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flamming well an art form. More recently flame has come to refer to any kind  of derogatory  comment no matter how witless or crude.




The technical meaning is a hardware or software set -up that translates between two dissimilar protocols, for example America Online has a gateway that translates between its internal, proprietary e-mail format and Internet e-mail. e.g AOL might be called gateway of the Internet.

2. GIF

(Graphic Interchange Format)

           A common format for images files, especially suitable for images conraining larege areas of the same color. GIF format fiels of simple images are often smaller than the  same file would be if stored in JPEG  format, but GIF format does not store photographic images as well as JPEG.

3. Gigabyte

1000 or 1024 megabytes, depending on who is measuring.

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created by Ashutosh Rana

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