What is Algorithm and its use? Definition of Algorithm? Properties of Algorithm? Examples of Algorithm? - 2021 - Ashutosh


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What is Algorithm and its use? Definition of Algorithm? Properties of Algorithm? Examples of Algorithm? - 2021

 What is Algorithm and its use?



It is seen as an important topic in Computer Science. Because highly efficient Developers use and Help to Developed Error free programs.so, we Read Today What is Algorithm and its use?

Words, Algorithm means are responsible for those 'Series of Steps', which is a special calculation (Computation) or task (task) to complete or execute (execute). Next we understand the definition and expansions of the Algorithm and What is Algorithm and its use?


Basically mathematical problems (Mathematical problems) was developed it to solve. But currently the term is associated strongly with Computer Science. What is Algorithm and its use? Will understand with examples in this Article .. So, Keep Reading a Valuable Article as always.


Definition of Algorithm?

Algorithm, defines the guidelines (a set of Instructions), which is a problem (Problem) whole process of resolving (Procedure). Its main goal is to produce the desired results (expected output). There are many consistently comes output after occur, which ends Steps.

It can be understood from the example of making a cup of tea (Tea):

Step 1. water-filled kettle

Step 2. Boil water

Step 3. Add tea leaves to the kettle

Step 4. Crush and add ginger.

Step 5. half teaspoon added sugar

Step 6. Allow the tea to cook

Step 7. filtered tea and put the cup.


Just perform a cup turn the Steps outlined Base us to make tea (execute) is required. Just as it is written Algorithm to a process in Programming (Process) or task (Task), so as to achieve the desired result (desired output). I Hope You Understand Well.

It can happen in many different fields, including computer science and major Math. which is a Step By Step process used to store within the Data Structure is used to retrieve the web page.

Also Encryption Algorithm, a mathematical process (Mathematical procedure) is, which is encoded by a data message using that to read or hard to understand.


Who is the founder or Father of the Word algorithm?

It has a long history (History), but the actual word introduces "Algorithm" for the first time in the 9th century. At that time, the Persian mathematician, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi is considered its founder. They are also known as the father of algebra (The Father of Algebra).

In fact, Al-Khwarizmi's work on Brahmagupta was made. Brahmagupta was a great Indian mathematician and astronomer. These two great men was the prominence given when using Hindi-Arabic numerals used the word 'Algorism' to refer to the Latin translation of his arithmetic rules.

Then 'Algorism word around the 18th century became Modern Word "Algorithm". In addition to its use areas such as Calculation, Data Processing and Programming in its modern form and issues of daily life have also been able to (Solve). The word algorithm, it is designed to solve a problem or task, Step By Step Process.


Properties of Algorithm?

Any process that we can not say Algorithm. But it should be useful that the problem should get resolved. For this to happen, there are some properties . That it should meet the Minimum criteria set below:

what is algorithm


1) Input: An algorithm must have well-defined input. Input that data or information that we would continue to provide output.

2) Output: This should produce the output. That problem should provide the perfect solution (Solution).

3) Clarity (Unambiguous): Written Instructions (Instruction) or Step should be clear (Clear). Input each Steps / output should be clear.

4) limitations:This means that the written algorithm Steps should expire after a limited number (Finite number) (terminate). Means the end, you're moving in the processing loop it must meet the required output.

5) Effectiveness: It should be practical, in order to be able to execute instructions with the available resources. Obviously, this should be no unnecessary instructions (Unnecessary Instructions) which make it Ineffective.

6) Language Independent: Instructions should be written in simple language. That can be applied in Language any Programming.


Examples of Algorithm?

This used various methods for writing. Let the easiest example to understand it.


Example 1– Calculating the average for 3 numbers.

There Algorithm Working:

what is algorithm


Step 1. Start

Step 2. Read 3 numbers A, B, C

Step 3. Calculate the average by the equation

         Average = (A+B+C)/3

Step 4. Display Average

Step 5. Stop



Example 2– Find the largest all among the three different numbers entered by the user.

These Algorithm working:


Step 1. Start

Step 2. Declare variables a,b and c

Step 3. Read variables a,b and c.

Step 4. If a > b

           If a > c

              Display a is the largest number.


              Display c is the largest number.


           If b > c

              Display b is the largest number.


              Display c is the greatest number.

Step 5. Stop


Does it meet the criteria (Criteria) is an algorithm:

· Algorithm input and output has been defined well.

· Each Step is shown in the explicit (clear) and precise meaning.

· A limited number of Steps. That is ends after a while (terminate).

· Algorithm to produce a desired output. We right result in the end (correct result) is obtained.


Types of The Algorithm ?

Although it is a lot of variety, but the most basic of them is described below.


· Simple Recursive Algorithms.

· Backtracking

· Divide and Conquer

· Dynamic Programming Algorithm

· Greedy algorithms

· Branch and bound Method

· Brute force algorithms.

· Randomized Algorithms


In short or Conclusion

A Logical Step-By-Step Method to solve a problem is called Algorithm . In simple language, This is a plan (Plan) to solve a problem. Usually this term is used to solve mathematical and computational problems.

what is algorithm

This includes calculation (Calculations), reasoning (Reasoning) and data processing (Data Processing). There are many ways to write this. Once we have the Algorithm to a problem, then we can execute him. It will be presented in the general English language, Pseudo codes and Flowcharts.

what is algorithm

So hopefully, What is Algorithm and its use? you will become aware of it. Any questions or suggestions related to the topic please tell us definitely to comment below.

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